Sunday, December 28, 2008

Berdikir & berbedak

(final tough-up before going up on stage)
Sixth event: Majlis Berdikir dan Berbedak. Offical event, usually held Friday or Saturday night, when the groom/bride sits on a stage wearing “pakaian Brunei” (traditional jewelries, gold, kain jongsarat) and accompanied with dikir. Usually they invite quite a lot of people for this event including friends and neighbors. Special guests are invited to “membedaki” the groom/bride. After the event,... asian way again... makan/dinner... sometimes dpending on how fast they do the event, the dinner can be at 10pm! so if you think that you want to come, better have somthing first before attending the evening event. Note this event is hold separately between groom and bride. One thing worth mentioning here is that the “bedak” is made up of 7 different colors, why… uuuhhh I don’t know.
The night after the bebadak, the family and relatives usually gather to keep the "night young". Pic shows the youngs entertaining themselves with kareokee, the elders usually just sit around, watching news or talking about current news... and in some homes, they have traditional band/gambus!

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